Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Course

Nothing Is More Damaging Than Living With a Manipulating Emotional Abuser Who Strips Away Your Self-Worth and Convinces You It's Your Fault.

Physical abuse is obvious and leaves visible marks... but emotional abuse is less obvious and damages your own perceptions. It causes you to miss the red flags of manipulation and control.

Often, the victim is not fully aware it’s really happening...

Hi. I'm Barrie Davenport

I've heard so many stories of heartbreak, confusion, and shame from my students who were desperate to end the emotional abuse in their relationship.

That's why I developed an emotional abuse program -- to help you be strong and take back control of your life.

Learn To Set Firm Boundaries With Your Emotional Abuser, Manage The Abuse, and Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

When you're in an emotionally abusive relationship, you feel so drained and beaten down that you don't know what to do to improve the situation.

Emotional abuse causes you to doubt your own perceptions. It causes you to miss the red flags of manipulation. But there is a way forward...

How did it get to the point that the person you love, the person you thought loved you, is causing you so much pain? Your partner's controlling, crazy-making behaviors leave you feeling afraid, depressed and alone.

No matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, it never seems to be enough. You feel so controlled that you've lost your identity and sense of sef. Sometimes you even question whether you are the problem rather than your abuser.

You'd give anything for your abuser to wake up and treat you with love and kindness. And you'd feel so much better if you could just stand up for yourself without fear or guilt-trips.

You don't have to live this way forever.

Using small safe steps, you can improve your situation and get clear on what YOU want.

Introducing The Emotional Abuse Breakthrough: Private, Secure, Effective


This Program Is Specifically Designed For Those Dealing With...

In this private course you'll learn to be alert and recognize the covert emotional abuse tactics used by your partner and create safe emotional boundaries to protect you and your children.

You’ll discover mind shifts and life-changing strategies that you can begin practicing right away.

Plus you'll understand why your partner abuses and if they're capable of real change.

You'll get 23 short easy-to-follow lessons with companion worksheets you can use on your computer, tablet or smartphone. And you'll get guided meditations on Releasing Limiting Beliefs, Relieving Anxiety, and Nurturing Self-Esteem and Confidence.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to the Emotional Abuse Breakthrough
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I purchase?
You will instantly be redirected to your private member login area.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 60 days and we will give you a full refund.
What will it say on my credit card statement?
The credit card statement will NOT reveal anything about "emotional abuse" or the course name. It will show "Webnosis" on your statement.
Will this course help my partner change?
The course is designed to help YOU change and understand more about emotional abuse, how to make the best decisions for yourself, and how to determine if your abuser is willing to change.
What makes this course different?
The Emotional Abuse Breakthrough program was created over more than 5 years of research, training, coaching, and personal experience. It is one of the most robust, thorough courses available anywhere.

Not Sure It Can Help You?

Victims often fear if they stand up for themselves, their partner will leave or make things worse. But once you draw a line in the sand and demand a more mature relationship, your abuser will have to make a choice -- either change the behaviors or risk losing you.

I don’t want you to suffer one more minute being abused and manipulated. I want to help you stop living in guilt, fear and shame.

At less than $3 per week the course will help you get the strength to reclaim your power and take the first step in getting your strength and self-worth back.

Much love,
